Certwatcher – Tool For Capture And Tracking Certificate Transparency Logs, Using YAML Templates Based DSL


CertWatcher is a tool for capturing and tracking certificate transparency logs, using YAML templates. The tool helps detect and analyze websites using regular expression patterns and is designed for ease of use by security professionals and researchers.

Certwatcher continuously monitors the certificate data stream and checks for patterns or malicious activity. Certwatcher can also be customized to detect specific phishing, exposed tokens, secret api key patterns using regular expressions defined by YAML templates.

Get Started

Certwatcher allows you to use custom templates to display the certificate information. We have some public custom templates available from the community. You can find them in our repository.

Useful Links


If you want to contribute to this project, follow the steps below:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a new branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Make changes and commit the changes: git commit -m ‘Adding a new feature’
  • Push to the original branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Open a pull request.


Original Source


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