Cicd-Goat – A Deliberately Vulnerable CI/CD Environment


Download & Run

There’s no need to clone the repository.

Linux & Mac

curl -o cicd-goat/docker-compose.yaml --create-dirs
cd cicd-goat && docker-compose up -d

Windows (Powershell)

mkdir cicd-goat; cd cicd-goat
curl -o docker-compose.yaml
get-content docker-compose.yaml | %{$_ -replace "bridge","nat"}
docker-compose up -d



  • Spoiler alert! Avoid browsing the repository files as they contain spoilers.
  • To configure your git client for accessing private repositories we suggest cloning using the http url.
  • In each challenge, find the flag – in the format of flag# (e.g flag2), or another format if mentioned specifically.
  • Each challenge stands on its own. Do not use access gained in one challenge to solve another challenge.
  • If needed, use the hints on CTFd.
  • There is no need to exploit CVEs.
  • No need to hijack admin accounts of Gitea or Jenkins (named “admin” or “red-queen”).

Take the challenge

  1. After starting the containers, it might take up to 5 minutes until the containers configuration process is complete.

  2. Login to CTFd at http://localhost:8000 to view the challenges:

    • Username: alice
    • Password: alice
  3. Hack:

    • Jenkins http://localhost:8080
      • Username: alice
      • Password: alice
    • Gitea http://localhost:3000
      • Username: thealice
      • Password: thealice
  4. Insert the flags on CTFd and find out if you got it right.


  • If Gitea shows a blank page, refresh the page.
  • When forking a repository, don’t change the name of the forked repository.


Warning: Spoilers!

See Solutions.



  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Rename .git folders to make them usable:

    python3 git
  3. Install testing dependencies:

    pip3 install pipenv==2022.8.30
    pipenv install --deploy
  4. Run the development environment to experiment with new changes:

    rm -rf tmp tmp-ctfd/
    cp -R ctfd/data/ tmp-ctfd/
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d
  5. Make the desired changes:

    • All services except CTFd are completely configured as code so desired changes should be made to the files in the appropriate folders.
    • To make changes in CTFd, use the admin credentials.
  6. Shutdown the environment, move changes made in CTFd and rebuild it:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml down
    ./ # save CTFd changes
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d --build
  7. Run tests:

    pytest tests/
  8. Rename .git folders to allow push:

    python3 notgit
  9. Commit and push!


Follow the checklist below to add a challenge:

  1. CTFd:
    1. Write challenge description.
    2. Choose category according to difficulty level.
    3. Make sure the challenge is visible and has value according to difficulty.
    4. Write hints in order of usage.
    5. Add a flag. Make sure to select if it’s case-insensitive.
  2. Gitea:
    1. Configure a new repository in gitea.yaml.
    2. Create the repository under gitea/repositories. Use an open-source repository that use the MIT license as a template for the challenge repository.
  3. Jenkins:
    1. Configure Jenkins and add new jobdsl files in the casc.yaml file.
    2. Make sure jobs don’t run periodically. Jobs should be triggered by events / polling.
    3. Validate that the new challenge doesn’t interfere with other challenges.
  4. Make sure the flag is not accessible when solving other challenges.
  5. Write tests.
  6. Write the solution.
  7. Update if needed.
  8. In order to run the CI, make sure you have a CircleCI account and that you’ve clicked “Set Up Project” on your fork of the project.
Download Cicd-Goat

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