CVE-Tracker – With The Help Of This Automated Script, You Will Never Lose Track Of Recently Released CVEs

If you want to change these URLs to your desired ones, you can simply open the cve.ps1 file with an editor and change the URLs there! Also remember that you can even add more URLs to the file.


Download the zip file and unzip it on your system  
If you haven't bypassed the script execution on your system, please do so with the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass"   [Note: it needs to be run as administrator]  

Also, keep in mind the changes that are made to your system can easily be undone, by running the command .undo.ps1

Technical Analysis:

At first, when you run the script, it will create a *.bat file (CVE_Track.bat) in the following directory that literally allows the automation procedure that we aim for. C:Users<UserName>\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup .

Also the file “cv.ps1” is coppied to the directory C:Users<UserName> and every time the system starts, it will be executed.

The script in action

After you’ve run the script, this is how it would look like when you login to your system after a restart.

CVE Tracker 5 CT 2

Download CVE-Tracker

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