Exploit broker Zerodium is looking for VMware vCenter Server exploits

Zero-day exploit broker Zerodium is looking for 0day exploits for the VMware vCenter Server

Zero-day exploit broker Zerodium announced it is looking for zero-day exploits for VMware vCenter Server. vCenter Server is the centralized management utility for VMware, and is used to manage virtual machines, multiple ESXi hosts, and all dependent components from a single centralized location. The company will pay up to $100,000 for zero-days in vCenter Server.

“We are looking for pre-authentication exploits affecting recent versions of vCenter Server. The exploit should allow remote code execution, work with default installations and default ports/services, and should not require any authentication or user interaction.” reads the announcement published by the zero-day broker.

Zerodium resells the exploits to its customers that include law enforcement bodies and intelligence agencies that could use them in their investigations.

The announcement is temporary likely because it comes after a request from some of its customers.

The company is searching for pre-authentication exploits that could lead to remote code execution on default installations, without user interaction.

Other temporary acquisitions run by Zerodium include Moodle and IM client tool Pidgin RCEs.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Zerodium zero-day exploit broker)

The post Exploit broker Zerodium is looking for VMware vCenter Server exploits appeared first on Security Affairs.

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