GraphQL Cop – Security Auditor Utility For GraphQL APIs

GraphQL Cop is a small Python utility to run common security tests against GraphQL APIs.


  • Python3
  • Requests Library


  • Alias Overloading (DoS)
  • Batch Queries (DoS)
  • GET based Queries (CSRF)
  • GraphQL Tracing / Debug Modes (Info Leak)
  • Field Duplication (DoS)
  • Field Suggestions (Info Leak)
  • GraphiQL (Info Leak)
  • Introspection (Info Leak)
  • Directives Overloading (DoS)


CSRF (GET)’: {‘severity’: ‘LOW’, ‘impact’: ‘Possible CSRF’, ‘description’: ‘HTTP GET method supported (maybe CSRF)’}, ‘Alias Overloading’: {‘severity’: ‘HIGH’, ‘impact’: ‘Denial of Service’, ‘description’: ‘Alias Overloading with 100+ aliases is allowed’}, ‘Field Duplication’: {‘severity’: ‘HIGH’, ‘impact’: ‘Denial of Service’, ‘description’: ‘Queries are allowed with 1000+ of the same repeated field’}, ‘Directive Overloading’: {‘severity’: ‘HIGH’, ‘impact’: ‘Denial of Service’, ‘description’: ‘Multiple duplicated directives allowed in a query’}}”>

python3 -t

GraphQL Cop 1.0
Security Auditor for GraphQL
Dolev Farhi <[email protected]>

[HIGH] Introspection Query Enabled (Information Leakage)
[LOW] GraphQL Playground UI (Information Leakage)
[HIGH] Alias Overloading with 100+ aliases is allowed (Denial of Service)
[HIGH] Queries are allowed with 1000+ of the same repeated field (Denial of Service)

python3 -t -o json

{'Field Suggestions': {'severity': 'LOW', 'impact': 'Information Leakage', 'description': 'Field Suggestions are Enabled'}, 'Introspection': {'severity': 'HIGH', 'impact': 'Information Leakage', 'description': 'Introspection Query Enabled'}, 'Possible CSRF (GET)': {'severity': 'LOW', 'impact': 'Possible CSRF', 'description': 'HTTP GET method supported (maybe CSRF)'}, 'Alias Overloading': {'severity': 'HIGH', 'impact': 'Denial of Service', 'description': 'Alias Overloading with 100+ aliases is allowed'}, 'Field Duplication': {'severity': ' HIGH', 'impact': 'Denial of Service', 'description': 'Queries are allowed with 1000+ of the same repeated field'}, 'Directive Overloading': {'severity': 'HIGH', 'impact': 'Denial of Service', 'description': 'Multiple duplicated directives allowed in a query'}}
Download Graphql-Cop

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