Inceptor – Template-Driven AV/EDR Evasion Framework

Modern Penetration testing and Red Teaming often requires to bypass common AV/EDR appliances in order to execute code on a target. With time, defenses are becoming more complex and inherently more difficult to bypass consistently.

Inceptor is a tool which can help to automate great part of this process, hopefully requiring no further effort.


Inceptor has been designed to work on Windows. The utility can locate the required Microsoft binaries and update the configuration accordingly. It might be required to install Microsoft Build Tools, the Windows SDK, and Visual Studio, will guide the user on how to install the required dependencies.

git clone --recursive
cd inceptor
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd inceptor

Useful Notes

Default Loaders

The current version of Inceptor locates a specific template using a simple naming convention (don’t change template names), and the set of arguments given by the user. Among the arguments, there is also the loader (-t). If not specified, the loader will be picked-up as a function of the file to pack, following this simple schema:

$ python -hh

[*] Default Loaders
Input File Extension SpecialCondition Guessed Filetype Default Loader Default Template
0 .raw NaN Shellcode Simple Loader Classic
1 .exe .NET Dotnet Executable Donut Classic
2 .exe NaN Native Executable Pe2Shellcode PE Load
3 .dll NaN Native Library sRDI Classic

Template name convention

It’s very important to understand also the template name convention, to avoid misinterpreting an artifact behaviour.

  • Classic: a classic template usually means it uses the VirtualAlloc/VirtualAllocEx and CreateThread/CreateRemoteThread API to allocate and execute arbitrary code
  • Dinvoke: if a template contains only dinvoke (e.g classic-dinvoke.cs), it means it uses dynamic function resolution feature of dinvoke
  • dinvoke-subtechnique: a template containing dinvoke followed by another keyword is using a particular feature of dinvoke, like manual_mapping, overload_mapping, or syscalls
  • Syscalls: as the name suggest, this template is using syscalls
  • PE Load: this template tries to map a full PE into memory, without transforming it
  • Assembly Load: this template tries to execute a .NET assembly using reflection


$ usage: [-h] [-hh] [-Z] {native,dotnet,powershell} ...

inceptor: A Windows-based PE Packing framework designed to help
Red Team Operators to bypass common AV and EDR solutions

positional arguments:
native Native Binaries Generator
dotnet .NET Binaries Generator
powershell PowerShell Wrapper Scripts Generator

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hh Show functional table
-Z, --check Check file against ThreatCheck

Next Developments

  • New Template Engine
  • New Templates
  • New Encoders
  • C# Code-Based obfuscation


  • Inceptor – Bypass AV-EDR solutions combining well known techniques
  • A tale of EDR bypass methods
Download Inceptor

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