NimHollow – Nim Implementation Of Process Hollowing Using Syscalls (PoC)

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2. Query created process to extract its base address pointer from PEB (Process Environment Block).

3. Read 8 bytes of memory (for 64-bit architecture) pointed by the image base address pointer in order to get the actual value of the image base address.


4. Read 0x200 bytes of the loaded EXE image and parse PE structure to get the EntryPoint address.

5. Write the shellcode to the EntryPoint address and resume thread execution.



  • @ajpc500 for the NimlineWhispers project.
  • @byt3bl33d3r for the OffensiveNim repository.
  • @S3cur3Th1sSh1t and @chvancooten for Nim code snippets.
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