Skanuvaty – Dangerously Fast DNS/network/port Scanner

Dangerously fast dns/network/port scanner, all-in-one.

Start with a domain, and we’ll find everything about it.


  • Finds subdomains from root domain
  • Finds IPs for subdomains
  • Checks what ports are open on those IPs (Notice: not yet implemented)

Outputs a handy .json file with all the data for further investigation.

Runs as fast as your computer/network/DNS resolver allows it to be. Test run for 10.000 subdomains tested all of them in ~20 seconds with concurrency set to 16 on a machine with 16 (logical) cores.


skanuvaty --target --concurrency 16 --subdomains-file /usr/share/dnsenum/dns.txt

The terminal will show all found subdomains + a skanuvaty.scan.json file has been created in your current directory.


MIT 2021

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