For Privacy and Safety, Disable these features from your Google Assistance

It’s difficult to imagine life without Google and every day the search engine gets more involved and intricate in our lives. One of its features – the Google Assistant is used quite extensively by masses to make their life easier and tasks swifter.

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Google Assistant is an Artificial Intelligence virtual assistant developed by Google that can be availed from your smartphone and smart devices. A very efficient digital assistant that can hold two-way conversations, as Google says, “Meet your Google Assistant. Ask it questions. Tell them to do things. It’s your own personal Google, always ready to help whenever you need it.” 
 “Meet your Google Assistant. Ask it questions. Tell them to do things. It’s your own personal Google, always ready to help whenever you need it.” 
But since it is connected with almost all of your smart devices and able to listen and record you always, it’s imperative to be concerned over privacy and thus there are few tips that you should consider to make your Google assistant more safe and private-
Change Voice Recording Settings
 Only recently Google updated their voice recording privacy settings and you can now opt-in or opt-out for the voice recording to be saved and shared with their human analyzers. So, definitely check out these settings in the Your Data in the Assistant then Audio Recordings and set them as you like but the recordings saved previously should also be looked into- you can choose to delete them manually or set how long can Google keep them.

 Turn off Continued Conversation
 Under the Continued Conversation feature your Google Assistant can listen for another follow up question without you saying ‘Hey, Google’. Though the feature can be useful it can allow your device to listen in when you’re not interacting with the assistant and simply asking a question to someone else. 
 May want to keep the camera disable when not in use
If you’re using a Google-enabled smart display it’s best to keep the camera disabled when not in use. It might become tedious to switch it on and off every time you make a video call but it’s better than to keep it on always. 
 Google Activity Controls 
Google Assistant gathers up information from other apps you use from the Google account for better performance. If you like you can control the amount and type of information that your Google Assistance can access for privacy concerns. You can also opt for auto-delete and intervals for which data can be kept.

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